8.6 Badging, Training, and Site Access

The NIF NSA Team will coordinate the required badging for NIF and/or site access. Any required training will be scheduled for you as well. Please allow two months of notice for any visits to LLNL so that proper arrangements can be made.

The NIF is an unclassified building, so a clearance transfer is not required to be present. It is beneficial to transfer one’s clearance so that side discussions/meetings can take place. All on-site visitors and users are required to complete a standard series of institutional site training requirements. Additional training is required to access the specific areas of the NIF facility (e.g., Control Room, Target Bay, etc.) and to be qualified as a site radiation worker if needed. Additionally, performing work requires training as specified by the integration worksheet. Training requirements will be identified during the scope meeting with the host and will be sent to the visitor for completion prior to receiving facility access and work authorization.

For more information, Users are referred to the NIF User Guide (click Home).