NIF DLI operations (including laser diagnostics, safety interlocks and command control systems) are all integrated into NIF operations/control systems. As noted, all tests using NIF DLI can operate concurrently but independently with shots to the main Target Chamber. The NIF DLI control and data acquisition system has been designed to allow independent control of test area diagnostics, data acquisition and storage by system users independent of the NIF command, control and data acquisition system. (The DLI laser, however, is controlled by the NIF Integrated Computer Control System and is simply an alternate beam fate for the two main laser beams that are part of the main NIF laser.) For more information on NIF standard operation procedures, Users are referred to the NIF User guide (click Home).
NIF personnel using standard NIF operation procedures will:
- be responsible for operating safety interlocks,
- control the vacuum and test area venting,
- install the test objects, (see Figure 11)
- connect the test object diagnostic cables,
- remove the test objects and diagnostic cables (as needed) after the shot,
- replace the debris shields as required (to include the test area diagnostic camera) (see Figure 11),
- clean debris and survey the target vessel area as required, and
- inspect the vacuum window for damage and replace if damaged and replace as necessary for subsequent shots
The time duration of a DLI shot cycle will vary and be dependent on the required operations included in the above list. NIF personnel will handle all aspects of the installation and removal of the DLI test object as well as DLI debris shields as illustrated in Figure 11. DLI users, who have been qualified and authorized to work in side-labs may install and qualify any custom diagnostic probes that the user is providing. All work in the NIF Target Bay, where the DLI target chamber and the DLI data acquisition system are located, will be conducted by LLNL personnel.
NIF DLI spent test objects will be given back to the users at the end of their campaign and after radiological survey and free release by the facility. The users are responsible for either target rebuild or appropriate disposal. Users will pay for the debris shields that protect the DLI optics from target debris. NIF will be responsible for acquiring the shields and the installation of the shields. The approximate cost of the shields will range from $1,500 to $3,500 per shot depending on the debris created in the shot and the damage to the windows. Details about how this is to be arranged will be provided by the NSA program leader.