5.2 Restrictions

The NIF DLI system shall abide by the NIF facility Safety Basis, the NIF Facility Safety Procedure (FSP), and the NIF Operational Safety Procedure (OSP) and its appendices. Examples include the use of hazardous and/or radioactive materials that will be managed by the applicable NIF procedures and management plan. A difference in NIF DLI is that the target and the diagnostic are part of the same assembly and the volume for the NIF DLI target vessel is substantially smaller than the NIF Target Chamber. As a rule, it is recommended to avoid materials that are hazardous or could become hazardous as part of the experiment. Hazardous materials may be approved for use if they are in an approved sealed container that has been shown to not rupture under the expected loads through commissioning shots. Review and concurrence by the Target and Laser Interaction Sphere (TaLIS) expert review group, NIF operations, and the NIF Hazards Review Committee are required before any hazardous material LLNL-AM-2001075 Page 11 of 33 may be approved by the NIF Operations Manager and allowed to be used on DLI experiments. Materials that will not be sealed will need additional review for potential explosive power as compared to the rupture strength of the debris shields and vacuum windows. Additional restrictions for materials that may be aerosolized before, during, or after the shot will need to be reviewed for toxicity to humans by the NIF Hazards Review Committee. Currently, the volume inside the target vessel is exhausted to the Target Bay and may require additional safety documentation, controls and procedures as part of the approval. Significant additions or changes to the authorized operations require a Work Authorization Point or Prestart Review as determined by the NIF Operations Manager. The NIF DLI system was not designed to include any exposed hazardous materials; as such, the introduction of hazardous materials may result in significant DLI system re-design and or procedural changes.

Concave curved surfaces on the target surface that face the NIF laser are discouraged. Features larger than 1 mm with a concave radius of curvature between 1 m and 20 m will require review and approval by TaLIS. The reason for this is that the feature will cause the reflected beam to focus on the NIF DLI optics, which may damage optics. NIF DLI is not planned to be run in a fashion that would require an optics loop (repairing damaged optics), so damage to the optics will be kept to a minimum.

Table of Items, Concerns, and Mitigations