The NIF DLI system performance capabilities as designed for the system are:
- Laser fluence uniformity at the test plane to be better than 5% rms at spatial scale lengths greater than or equal to 1 cm. Note that fluence non-uniformities will be a function of the position relevant to the test plane (see Section 6.3).
- Reproducibility and accuracy of the total laser energy delivered to the test plane shall be consistent with NIF 1-omega laser design capability (~5% shot to shot),
- Test volume can operate at either vacuum (≤10-4 torr) or 760 torr. Currently, the test volume is operated at 760 torr. The vacuum capability will be commissioned in FY25.
- Test area at the test plane is 1,000 cm2 (31.6 cm x 31.6 cm).
- The DLI system can currently deliver up to 12 J/cm2 to the test plane. The system will eventually be commissioned to 20 J/cm2; for additional information regarding the DLI laser capabilities, please reach out to the DLI Laser Scientist or DLI Experimental Lead.
- The laser energy that can be delivered to test objects is variable and is pulse width dependent. As of the publishing of this guide, the following square laser pulses have been used on NIF DLI: 2 kJ/beam, 2 ns; 4 kJ/beam, 5 ns; and 6 kJ/beam, 10 ns. Users are encouraged to reach out to the DLI Laser Scientist or Experimental Lead to discuss current DLI laser capabilities and desired pulse shapes for upcoming experiment(s).
For more information on laser energy, pulse shape and timing, users are referred to the NIF User Guide (click Home).