The NIF Direct Laser Impulse facility represents a new test capability to explore shock and impulse effects on materials, sub-systems, and systems. The facility has been designed to support large area impulsively loaded structural and shock experiments with user-supplied test objects with adequate flexibility in system design and laser produced environments to support user test requirements. This guide provides information to potential users about the facility, how it works, and how to utilize its capabilities. For more information on the NIF, NIF operations, and User logistics, please refer to the NIF User guide (click Home).
NIF DLI operations include operating the laser (energy and pulse shape), laser diagnostics, safety interlocks and command control systems and are integrated with other NIF operations. Also, note that all tests using NIF DLI can operate concurrently but independently with shots to the main Target Chamber. The NIF DLI control and data acquisition system has been designed to allow independent control of test area diagnostics, data acquisition and storage by users independently of the NIF command, control, and data acquisition system.
It is envisioned that most, if not all, of the NIF DLI shots will occur as ride-along experiments on shots to the main Target Chamber that will have priority. All proposed DLI experiments, including the test object, must go through the standard NIF reviews. The National Security Applications (NSA) Team in coordination with NNSA, DTRA, and AWE shall decide on shot priorities and schedule. The NIF senior management team and the NSA Team shall determine the allocation of DLI experiments to be supported in a fiscal year.